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Studien und Berichte (15 dokuments) V

Studien und Berichte > Europaïscher Betriebsrat

European Commission: Commission staff working document - Impact assessment report accomanying the document "Proposal for a Directive amending Directive 2009/38/EC'


Studien und Berichte > Europaïscher Betriebsrat

Euroufound: Challenges and solutions - Case studies on European Works Councils

This working paper, prepared by IR Share, investigates the practical implementation of the European Works Council (EWC) Directive at company level. It explores the challenges faced by existing EWCs and provides examples of solutions identified and remaining issues from the point of view of both workers and management. In addition, the paper looks at how EWCs meet the requirements of the EWC Directive in terms of establishing processes of information and consultation. Using case studies, it also examines the extent to which such effective collaboration has gone beyond the EWC Directive’s requirements to establish joint work on other issues of common concern.



Studien und Berichte > Europaïscher Betriebsrat

IR Notes: EWC reaction to the Covid crisis-19

21/04/2020. In addition to IR Notes n°138 we have again contacted EWC secretaries on the consequences of the pandemic. Here is a summary of our analysis, which is available in full in French (it will be completed in the coming days with the testimonies received after the closure of IR Notes). We are also providing this English version translated via Deepl, which is of much lower quality than IR Notes, but which may help you. Do not hesitate to share your initiatives and testimonials with us to enrich our analysis (


Studien und Berichte > Europaïscher Betriebsrat

ASTREES-IR Share: Europäische Betriebsräte vor der Herausforderung des digitalen Wandels in transnationalen Unternehmen

Ein Hanbuch für Akteure im Europäischen sozialen Dialog auf Unternehmensebene.


Studien und Berichte > Europaïscher Betriebsrat

Transport: Final report | EWC’s in Transport: more and better participation of workers now!

The ETF-Syndex joint project called “EWC’s in Transport: more and better participation of workers now!” succeeded in raising the awareness of ETF affiliates coming from all modes of transport on the role and prerogatives of an EWC, and the issues that should be considered when creating and running an EWC. Several new EWC’s were launched during this project which was a significant achievement.



Studien und Berichte > Europaïscher Betriebsrat

Europäischer Betriebsrat: Leitfaden basirend auf der Erfahrung der EBRs der Deutschen Bahn AG und der Deutschen Post DHL Group


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