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Groupama : Joint declaration relative to quality of life at work

On 15 February 2013, the European Works Council, represented by its Secretary, Bianca Cuciniello, and its President, CEO of Groupama SA, Thierry Martel, signed a declaration reaffirming the Group's commitment to fight against discrimination and for equal opportunities from recruitment and throughout the working life of employees within Groupama.

Press release of UNI Europa (20-02-13) The statement is based on the principles of CSR, including the United Nations Global Compact, the European framework agreement on harassment and violence at work 26 April 2007, and the statement produced by the Committee Sectoral Social Dialogue Insurance, which includes UNI-Europa Finance and European associations of employers in the insurance industry. The joint statement intends to translate the shared commitment between Groupama and the social partners at European level: - Prevent, treat, reduce psycho social risks such as stress, harassment and workplace violence and incivility, - Prevent all forms of discrimination throughout the working life of employees and promote diversity as a dynamic and complementary approach to the concept of non-discrimination, - Improve the quality of working life of employees, in connection with the collective efficiency of the company. Management and unions are committed to ensuring continuous dialogue about these issues within the framework of this declaration, leading to actions in the companies. The statement stems from the strong belief that the management of internal diversity through policies based on equality of opportunity and non-discrimination, helps to develop a corporate culture of diversity, which will improve the work environment, thus enhancing a sense of inclusion and achieve a better quality of life at work. To foster equality, promote the rights and well-being at work, Group companies may, in accordance with national rules, inspire or engage in the following devices: - Information and communication - Awareness actions - Training actions - Reconciliation of private and professional life - Promote these values ​​externally. Management and employee representatives have agreed to monitor the implementation of the Declaration in the context of one of the meetings of the European Works Council.

Information about this document

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  • Country/countries concerned : European Union
  • Type of document : Statement
  • This article is relevant to the following topic(s) :
    • European Works Council

The dates of the documents

  • Date of signing : 2013-02-15
  • Date of publication : 2013-02-18
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