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Multi-sectoral guidelines to tackle third-party violence and harrassment related to work

On 16th July 2010, 8 of the European Sectoral Social Partners, i.e. HOSPEEM, CEMR, CoESS, EFEE, EuroCommerce, EPSU, UNI Europa and ETUCE reached an agreement on a set of "Multi-sectoral Guidelines to Tackle Third-Party Violence and Harassment related to Work".
The aim of the Guidelines is to ensure that that each workplace has a results-oriented policy which addresses the issue of third-party violence. The Guidelines set out the practical steps that can be taken by employers, workers and their representatives /trade unions to reduce, prevent and mitigate problems. The steps reflect the best practices developed in our sectors and they can be complemented by more specific and/or additional measures.

Information about this document

  • DownloadThis article has been downloaded 433 time(s)
  • Country/countries concerned : European Union
  • Type of document : Joint Statement
  • This article is relevant to the following topic(s) :
    • European sectoral social dialogue

The dates of the documents

  • Date of signing : 2010-07-16
  • Date of publication : 2013-12-26
