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Staff working document on transnational company agreements

On 10 September, the European Commission published a staff working document on transnational company agreements and is inviting stakeholders to contribute to the discussion on the future of these agreements.
The staff working document shares the results of the work carried out by an expert group in six meetings between 2008 and 2011 under the auspices of the Commission. This group, made up of experts from Member States and the EU social partners, as well as academics and researchers, representatives of European institutions and company actors and the ILO, monitored developments and exchanged good practice on transnational company agreements (TCAs).
With its new staff working document "Transnational company agreements: realising the potential of social dialogue", the Commission takes stock of expert group's work and outlines options for further steps. The Commission now invites all interested parties to share their views on the challenges and opportunities faced by TCAs and on the specific options put forward. Reactions are expected by e-mail to or by post, before the end of the year.

Information sur ce document

  • DownloadCet article a été téléchargé 456 fois
  • Déposant : Turlan Frédéric
  • Pays concerné(s) : Union européenne
  • Nature du document : Rapport
  • Cet article appartient aux thématique(s) :
    • Négociation collective transnationale

Les dates du documents

  • Date de publication : 10/09/2012
Langue du document disponible:

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