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IR Share bietet Zugriff auf Informationen, Dokumentation und Fachwissen für Sozialpartner. Die IR Share-Webseite ist ein einheitlicher Zugangspunkt für Fragen rund ums Arbeitsrecht und die Arbeitsbeziehungen in Europa und weltweit. IR Share arbeitet mit Online-Veröffentlichungen, Arbeitsgruppen, themenspezifischen Schulungen und einem Expertennetzwerk.
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Sektoralen sozialen Dialog in Europa (196 dokuments) V

Sektoralen sozialen Dialog in Europa > Europäischen Sozialdialog

EU : Subcontracting chains and intermediaries ! STOP exploitation - EFBWW, EFFAT and ETF demand urgent EU actions


Sektoralen sozialen Dialog in Europa > Europäischen Sozialdialog

Woodworking and furniture : EU Social Partners recommendations on the European Year of Skills


Sektoralen sozialen Dialog in Europa > Europäischen Sozialdialog

Hospitality sector : Joint Declaration on how to overcome labour and skills shortages in the Hospitality sector


Sektoralen sozialen Dialog in Europa > Europäischen Sozialdialog

River Cruise Sector : framework agreement to improve the working conditions on board of river cruise vessels, as well as to ensure a level playing field for the sector


Sektoralen sozialen Dialog in Europa > Europäischen Sozialdialog

Commerce: Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee - Work Programme 2024-2025

EuroCommerce and UNI Europa agreed on their joint work programme on 6 December 2023. The joint work programme foresees a first joint statement to address the protection that commerce workers need on the front line as violence and harassment from customers grows.


Sektoralen sozialen Dialog in Europa > Europäischen Sozialdialog

Packaging printing industry: Joint Statement - Social Partners emphasise key priorities for Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation

The European social partners of the packaging printing industry, UNI Europa and Intergraf, support the ambitious objectives of the review of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Legislation in line with the EU Green Deal.


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