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est une société d’expertise indépendante, fiable et équidistante relative aux relations sociales en Europe. Elle publie des informations via la lettre IR Notes, réalise des études et des recherches, en partenariat avec des centres de recherches européens, et organise des formations en matière de relations sociales, en particulier pour les comités d’entreprise européens ainsi que des actions de coaching. IR Share propose également une base de données documentaire unique en Europe. Avec Astrees, IR Share anime également le Club CE européen.
IR Share est le correspondant national, pour la France, de la Fondation européenne pour l'amélioration des conditions de vie et de travail (Eurofound).

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Spain: Trade Unions in Spain

A study published by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
Spain is a textbook example of the exploitation of mass anxiety in the face of un- employment for the purpose of a neoliberal restructuring of employment relations, including wage cuts, prolongation of working time, erosion of sectoral collective agreements, weakening of trade unions and deregulation of the labour market.

The consolidation of the Spanish trade unions that took place in the course of the employment boom (1994–2007) faces new challenges because of the crisis.

In the ongoing crisis the trade unions have no effective instruments to safeguard employment, incomes and workers’ rights and are being weakened as a result of labour market reforms (2010 and 2012) and social cuts.

Structural change and employment reductions will continue to occur in Spain for some time and key enterprises and sectors for trade unions, such as airlines, banks and savings banks are suffering a severe reduction in employment.

The crisis of democracy in Spain and the fragmentation of social protest have put the trade unions in an ambiguous position. On one hand, they are the central protest movement and social opposition to neoliberal policies; on the other hand, they are part of the political system and its institutions and are thus criticised by many civil society protest movements.

Information sur ce document

  • DownloadCet article a été téléchargé 103 fois
  • Pays concerné(s) : Espagne
  • Nature du document : Rapport
  • Cet article appartient aux thématique(s) :
    • Relations sociales

Les dates du documents

  • Date de publication : 03/11/2013
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