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IR Share est le correspondant national, pour la France, de la Fondation européenne pour l'amélioration des conditions de vie et de travail (Eurofound).

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Electrolux EWC Statement about restructuring

The Electrolux European Works Council, meeting in Berlin from 12th to 14th November 2013, once again expressed its concern about further job cuts announced by Electrolux management involving up to 2,000 redundancies.
The members of the Electrolux EWC call on the company to reverse ask this strategy. They call on management:
– To implement the right to consultation provided for by the EWC agreement at European level
– To not end the discussions today, but ensure a genuine EU-wide consultation process in accordance with the rights provided for under the EWC agreement before the company makes its final decision
– To hold another extraordinary meeting of the EWC at the end of the consultation process
– To suspend the implementation of the three actions in relation to the Italian plants that
would be in violation of the EWC agreement and the European Union Directive
– To provide financial resources for mobilising external expertise for the EWC in order to formulate proposals and undertake an analysis for the purposes of the consultation process.
In support of the above requests, the EWC decided to:
– Take all the necessary steps to involve the European institutions, raising awareness of the problem of the white goods industry and the alternative strategy and seeking their support
– Lobby MEPS for a discussion on the white goods industry sector and their intervention
– Involve industriAll European Trade Union in all initiatives at European level towards the European Commission.

Information sur ce document

  • DownloadCet article a été téléchargé 106 fois
  • Pays concerné(s) : Union européenne
  • Nature du document : Déclaration
  • Cet article appartient aux thématique(s) :
    • Comité d'entreprise européen

Les dates du documents

  • Date de publication : 25/11/2013
Langue du document disponible:

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